Louisiana State University
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This course concerns rescuesinvolving confined spaces and includes lecture, skills training, and scenario-based exercises. The class covers federal and state reg- ulations, use of specialized equipment for atmospheric monitoring, commercial entry and retrieval systems, and employment of rescuer constructed retrieval systems. Participants gain understandingof confined space hazards and the requirements of the new laws. Special emphasis will be given to rescuer safety, scene manage- ment, patient care and movement, and construction and operation of retrieval systems.

Course adheres to standards set forth by NFPA 1006; 1670; 1500; 1983, and OSHA 29 CFR 1910.146 and 29 CFR 1910.134.

Upon successful completion of this course, students will be recommended to take the Confined Space Rescue Technician Levels I/ II certification examination offered by the Louisiana Firefighter and Emergency Responder Certification Program.

It is recommended that students attend a Rope Rescue Technician course before attending this course.

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