Louisiana State University
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The LSU English Graduate Student Association’s annual Mardi Gras Conference takes place every year during the week prior to Mardi Gras. Presenters have come not only from the United States but also from across the world, including Canada, Israel, England, Germany, and a host of other countries. Furthermore, the conference has attracted many top scholars as keynote speakers, such as E. Patrick Johnson, Terry Eagleton, Ian Bogost, Brian McHale, Cathy Davidson, Timothy Brennan, and Meredith McGill.
This year, our theme is “Graphic Carnivale: Celebrating Carnage and Carnality across Genre.” We’ve invited Stephen Graham Jones to join us as our keynote speaker. Stephen Graham Jones is a prolific writer of horror as well as experimental fiction, crime fiction, and science fiction. Jones is a full professor at the University of Colorado – Boulder and has received awards for both his creative writing as well as his research in fiction and media. Our theme is inspired by the graphic nature of Mardi Gras, and will focus on the visuality, imagery, and the grotesque in literature and media. We are particularly interested in organizing an undergraduate panel for LSU students who may be interested in graduate school.
Hosted by: English Graduate Student Association, Student Government
Additional Information can be found at: lsu.campuslabs.com/engage/event/2941097

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  • Stormi Verret

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