Louisiana State University
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  • With regard to the budget and planning processes of the University: To assure an effective advisory role for the faculty; to encourage the use of faculty expertise; and to keep the Senate informed.
  • To review and make recommendations, as needed, with regard to:
    • the budget development process;
    • the budget at preliminary stages;
    • the approved budget; and
    • audits of University operations
  • To review and make recommendations with regard to the long-range implications, for the University’s evolving mission, of current budget issues and alternatives

  • To review and make recommendations with regard to the Master Plan and long- range planning in general.

  • To consider questions and issues which may be referred to it by the Faculty Senate or the FSEC.

  • To establish study groups, and to conduct forums or workshops, in order to inform the general faculty or to collect their views when instructed to do so by the Senate; or on its own initiative, with the approval of the FSEC.

  • To select, from among its elected members, the faculty representatives to the University Budget Committee.

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Email facultysenate@lsu.edu for more information.

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