Louisiana State University
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On Tuesday, August 27, 2019 LSU Campus Life will host the fall involvement fair. Members of various LSU student organizations will share how you can engage in what they do while enhancing your involvement résumé. We will feature 90 organizations! Take advantage of the opportunity to visit with each participating group, as you build your own transcript of involvement.
The event location is in the Union Ballroom, located on 2nd floor of the LSU Student Union. Make sure that you bring your LSU Tiger Card! We will swipe them at the ballroom main entrance.
Geaux Tigers!
Hosted by: Campus Life
Additional Information can be found at: lsu.campuslabs.com/engage/event/4144094

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The fair had all different kinds of clubs, and many that were super interesting! I wish that all of them had been as prepared as others were but I understand that this is not something the university can control.