Louisiana State University
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OPEN AUDITIONS to be held for "Purple Brick Road to Wondaland," an ensemble performance of an original script written by PhD Theatre student Taren Wilson. We are looking for a diverse and passionate cast and crew to join us on this journey! ALL LEVELS OF EXPERIENCE WELCOME! Auditions will be held on: . . . . . . Wednesday, February 21 from 5:00 to 7:00 PM in 127 Coates Hall. . AND. . Thursday, February 22 from 5:00 to 7:00 PM in 143 Coates Hall. . . . SIGN UP TO JOIN THE CAST AND CREW AT: bit.ly/purplebrickroad. . . . ABOUT THE PLAY. . Purple Brick Road to Wondaland is a performance of Black Feminist Futurity, set in a time like now, but not; on a planet like ours, but not. The story follows Tea—a Black woman PhD student in Ivory Tower City. When Tea becomes lost in the maze of academia, she embarks on a transformative journey beyond the Ivory Tower. Tea follows the Purple Brick Road, and arrives in Wondaland where she is embraced by wondaful Black women from across the cosmos. Purple Brick Road to Wondaland is a celebration of community, sistahood, and self-discovery.
Event Details: tigerlink.lsu.edu/rsvp?id=2257792

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