Hosseini is a recent PhD graduate in population studies from Flinders University. Her research focuses on social demography, reproductive health, and fertility. The research she will present examines the difference between desired and expected fertility. Her discussion will focus on the interesting case of Tehran City in Iran, where there is below replacement fertility (e.g., 2 births per woman) despite reported desires among women living there to have at least two children. Hosseini examines the demographic and socio-economic factors influencing the fertility gap in Tehran city using a survey of 400 married women aged 15-49 years. She shows that socio-economic constraints are a major factor deterring the women of Tehran from meeting their fertility desires. In the absence of socio-economic hardships, women would be able to meet their reported fertility desires. Hosseini will also discuss trends in the different practices used to limit fertility and the role of male partners in making fertility decisions.